Monday, December 28, 2009

How To Receive Blogger/Blogspot Comments Via Text

I don't do much with my blog except post stuff, so this makes it easy to respond (or at least know when I should respond) to a comment. I have used Gmail Filters for years, so was aware that this would work, but only set it up recently...

To do this you must first have blogger comments sent to your email address. You're probably already set up for that. If not click here for easy instructions.

1) If you don't already know your picture text email address, find it by texting a picture to your email.
(Leave this email address for later)

2) Open an emailed-from-blogger comment email;

3) Click on the More Actions tab, then choose Filter Messages Like These.

4) Click on Next Step (You should see to the upper left in the From: box)

5) Check the Forward It To box, then in the white space enter your pix message email address
(The from email address as saved in step 1)

6) Click Update Filter (But Don't check the box for 'Also apply to conversations below'.)

And that's it. Pretty simple huh?

(You will also receive comments that you've signed up for on other people's Blogspots)

How To Receive Blogspot Comments Via Email

I'm working on a post showing how to have your blog comments sent to your cell phone.

But to automatically send Blogger comments to your cell phone via text you must first have blogger set up to send all comments to your email address.

This step was taking up too much space, and I think this is an opt out thing, so you're probably already set up this way. So anyway I gave it it's own post...

If you don't receive comments to your email, then here's how to set that up...

Go to your blogger Dashboard. Choose the Settings link.

Then choose the Comments tab.

At the bottom of the page enter your gmail address in the space provided.

Save the settings.

And that's it....

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Went to Kohls and bought a shirt for Leah and one for myself. Asked the clerk, "May i please have some slacks hangers?" and she gave me 4. (Had almost forgotten that they would do that.) Was on the way home and started laughing at myself because i was excited about my hangers and just kinda 'whatever' about the shirts. Pinchey hangers are awesome! I hate ironing.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Yesterday when N8 came home

He knocked on my bedroom door. My family is quite social. We might not know where a person has gone once they leave the house, but at home there is usually games and conversation.

One of the 4 of us let him in, then Leah asked, "Where have you been and why wasn't I invited."

Then we all fussed about how we never see him anymore.

He said ,"I just ate. Then I went bowling"

"Who all was there? Where did you eat? Why do you never invite me?" Leah asked.

"Hibachi, and no one was there."

"No one?" even Seth, who had wandered in, was incredulous "You went bowling by yourself. How long did you bowl"

"10 games."

"All by yourself?"

"Yep...Hard day at work. Its very stress relieving."

So the 6 of us sat and discussed N8...

Then we discussed him again the next day on the ride home from work.

"Maybe He's got himself a woman," Jeff said.

"Yeah, but thats not N8. N8 would tell us." I said,

"Unless he was ashamed of her." I jokingly added

"--Or of us" Elijah dead-panned

Monday, December 14, 2009

More Randon Xmas Stuff.

Christmas is still somewhat scary for me, but things turned ok for my family. I think life as a Christian is like that. God takes the bad stuff and makes good stuff out of it. Doesn't make the bad stuff not bad just makes life awesome in spite of it. (Romans 8:28 has been one of my fav verses for a long time...) Like the time Joseph was kicked out of his family and sold into slavery; it was really awful, but God fixed it so it was good.

So yeah, good stuff: the church we are at now has been good for us and to us. We have grown here, and I think we have been better off here. It was a good time for a new place.

Our church people do Christmas, but most of them aren't mean about it.

(Far as I can tell, and don't correct me if I'm wrong,) Lisa is more worried about making us mad than mad at us for not coming to her Christmas thing. People should just live their lives, and if there is piece of your life that I'm uncomfortable with, I'll stay out of that particular piece.

Two of the first few years we were here our pastor asked me, "How would you feel about having a Christmas play at the church?"

I told him, "We wouldn't come, but you guys could do it anyway. You don't have to change things for us, and seriously I mean that."

Later I told Mom how they usually had a play and hadn't because of us she just said, "That was nice of him."

"It's really scary," I said. "What if he hates us later because of changing things?"

He still preaches a sermon geared toward Christmas around the 25th, so is not like he changed everything. (That makes me less worried about being hated for being different.) And really if I'm being reasonable he is not a person who is going to ask us to leave because we are different, but I would not have expected that from the other guy either...

I love Christmas lights; the white ones outlining houses are so pretty. And I'm completely cool with going Christmas shopping with my friends. (The sales are not so good; why do people think they are? It’s cool anyway. I need long sleeves T-shirts.) It’s awesome to have time off work. I listen to Christmas music occasionally (none of the annoying stuff though. I dunno how even the most staunch Christmas lover can stand some of that.). There is a Christmas song, 'Happy Birthday Jesus' it’s sung by a little boy. Anyway it is adorable, and there are a few other Xmas songs that I'm quite fond of.

I could argue very convincingly either for or against celebrating Christmas. (I'm not going to... I'm just telling you I could.)

I don't care if my friends celebrate Xmas. If someone asks me why we don't, I tell them a little about the pagan background. Maybe mention Jeramiah 10:1-5 or tell them to pick up an old encyclopedia and look up the origin (It's definitely nastier than Halloween), but I know most people don't think about Nimrod and Semiramis, and instead associate Xmas with Jesus birth. Is not like I think people who celebrates Christmas are bad Christians, or promoting pagan worship.

It's just that I don't.

And if you hate me for it, please don't tell me. I've changed from the whole I'd-rather-have-it-told-to-my-face mindset. I think I prefer plasticized friendliness unless you are stabbing me in the back.

Scar(r)ed of Christmas

Every year around the 1st of December I start to panic. (I'm a little early this year.)

I don't belong here.
Christmas is scary.
I wonder if these people resent me.

I don't hate Christmas. I might celebrate it at some point in my life. One of my brothers celebrated Christmas with his (then) girlfriend for a couple of years. I guess I could celebrate it now if I chose to.

But Christmas scares me because people are mean this time of year. They think if you don't celebrate it you don't love Jesus or something I guess...

I've actually been in a Christmas play/thing before.

My family went to another church for a while (11 years actually.) One year in December we had a skit. (It was lovely.) We dripped hot white candle wax all over the carpet, and sang "Carry Your Candle" in the dark.

I love fire. And darkness.

We had been told that it was not for Christmas--But it was.

Which is not to say that it was terrible or evil; just that it was a Christmas thing. It was a good play and a few families had filled brown paper lunch bags with nuts, fruit, and candy which they handed out after the play, then passed them and fruit baskets through the (poor) neighborhood where our church was located. I think if people are going to have Christmas celebrations that's a good way have them.

But my family doesn't celebrate Christmas.

We talked about it afterward, and my fam was like, 'yeah that's what it was, but we asked, and they told us 'No this isn't for Christmas'.... So anyway we didn't say anything about it, but decided to step out next year. It was over and bla.

The church knew we didn't 'do Christmas', but we had never asked them to not have Christmas celebrations at church. It was really their call--Not ours. (They should have told us that it was for Christmas when we asked, though.)

The next year around the beginning of December, during church, a man asked, "Are we gonna have a Christmas play again this year?"

The pastor's daughter answered, "Yes, we'll do the same song we did last year." Then we went on with our service.

So anyway in a couple of weeks, when it came time for play practice my family didn't stay. We didn't throw a fit. We didn't ask anyone else to not have a play, or not be in a play. We didn't slam Christmas, or say anything bad about it. We just didn't stay and practice. (If you don't believe in something, it's OK to not do it. We were under-age children at the time, and our parents were responsible at that time for the choices they made with us.)

(The church had just skipped it for the 11 years that we were there. Maybe they felt obligated to... Which is sad for them...)


So the next week, openly, in front of the whole church, during service, we were asked to find another home church --unless we could make the choices he asked of us. Unless we believed the same.

And there was a whole sermon against us, then they yelled at my mom for a while and made her cry...

It was very dreadful. We did leave.

Edit April 2014: Very recently I realized that there was probably a double meaning to his request, and there were some other issues (besides Christmas) our past pastor wanted to be handled differently. Still sad that this was done openly--but now I realize it was done out of a good heart.

Which changes a lot of how I view that pastor... I feel bad for judging him so harshly for knocking over some of his sheep, now that I know he thought he was protecting lambs.

But it was still horrible...

My best friends Dad left church also. He was recently saved, and after sitting through the service said, "If that's what Christians are like I'm not going to be one."

Jimmy loved my dad especially. Seeing us hurt was the reason he left. It hurt him too bad to watch us bleed.

I've grieved more over my friend's dad than over my family. (We were moved into a better place for us...) Her family went from rejoicing over the changes in his life, and being happy about how much happiness they just got to having a lost dad again. They loved and love him still (I do too) But lost Dad's are harder to live with than saved ones.

And mostly we all really want Jimmy in heaven with us. No one really deserves Jesus gift, but it's already bought. Twas such a shame he thought it wasn't a good gift for himself... (Handed it back nicely of course...)

Still sad that this was done openly, because most of the sheep lamp; lambs lost trust in their shepherd, and ultimately one of the baby lambs ran away from his Heavenly Shepherd.

But now I realize it could have been done for other reasons, and from a partially good heart.
I'm praying I can hide my (poorly stitched, or un-stitched) wounds well enough, so that other patients don't get terrified of the doctor.

Try hard to not operate on anyone--in front of people with a weak stomach--unless it's an emergency. (If you're a new doctor, fresh out of med school, you've gotta expect to botch things a little bit, but a more seasoned doctor can restitch a poorly sewn operation, or reopen it if needed.)

Also if poor stitches are letting your guts seep out, and you think your doctor is able to operate on other people... find another doctor, because if you stay, the waiting room might empty. And some of those people will just go home to die...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

gOt No SKiLls

I'm saving soda pop tabs to make belts out of. I'm not very good at removing the tabs though. I tend to either bend the things in half or tear the bottom circle out. Sometimes the whole silver top of the can comes off (no pic's of that though.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

H's & K's (In which I unintentionally hurt half of everyone)

Quietly freaking out over the chaos, and considering not posting my next scheduled post, because it's not completely all happiness & candy.

Still I am not (currently) planning to remove the last post.

But you are definitely due an explanation. Please do me a big favor and read this for now.

I did not tell anyone that she had to wear a skirt to 6 Flags or to my house or to any other place. I didn't write that on my blog either. If you thought I said that, please reread that post. I've not edited it at all.

I didn't realize it was taken that way until someone referring to my blog told me, "I don't think people shouldn't be allowed to do things with the youth group just 'cause they don't wear skirts."

And then all the comments sounded like that also. (I have them texted to me automatically, so I had read them but couldn't reply for a while.)

You should reread what I wrote. Maybe you mixed up my h's & k's.

I told her to wear jeans. (And now a quarter of everyone else is mad at me.) I did ask her to wear a shirt (as in a blouse or a top that wasn't spaghetti strap, and didn't show boobs.) and I made sure to point out that I didn't know if most other people cared... (And maybe asking her to wear a shirt is just as bad to you. I don't know.)

But she asked me.

Honestly there would've been more of a requested dress code if it had turned out that the youth pastors drove the van as they were thinking about doing. I don't think that it's wrong to have a dress code for church activities.

In fact, I wouldn't have thought it would've been wrong for a person to answer the question with "If it's a youth trip thing pastor would prefer for you to wear a skirt." (I didn't say that, I'm just saying I think it would've been ok.)

I know about 5 years ago when a friend, from our church, and I were about to go to VA with the pastor's family he asked me, "Does she know how we dress. Did you talk to her about that?"

I guess my take on it was; it would be less awkward for her to hear it from me than for me to tell her to talk to the pastor.

But I'm not totally sure where he is at now. I will call and ask to talk to him & his wife about this, and ask how he would want me to handle this in the future if it comes up.

Just because someone lives differently doesn't mean they think they are better than everyone else...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's really hard to know what to say to people.

Trying to figure out where I'm at and where I need to be.

She asked, and I didn't know what else to say. Sigh.

6 Flags. And yeah, it's been a long time ago.

My mind (today) is like the above sentences; scattered & disorganized & only understandable by me.

 So lemme try to put this to words:

I have this friend; and she is awesome.

We don't do everything quite the same way, but that's not unusual. I have lots of people who don't think quite like me. I'm ok with that.

(Girls are just naturally evil, stab-other-girls-in-the-back, creatures. They have to work on being nice.) I like to keep the nice ones as friends when possible.

We had been planning this trip to 6 Flags. We hadn't yet figured out if the youth pastors were driving the church van or not, or planned a meeting place, and the tickets hadn't been bought... But was partly planned.

So anyway, this friend and I, just the two of us were on a church pew talking about the 6 flags trip, and she asked, "Is there going to be some dress code or something?" Then she said something about having to wear long black dresses.

I took a breath, then, said, "Um yeah I don't think long black dresses are really required, [awkward laughter] and you should just wear jeans, but wear a shirt, and actually it would be good if you wear a shirt at my house too, and maybe when we do things together with my family, but honestly I don't know where everyone else is at."

And it made her sad, and it was horrible...

But she just quietly said "Yeah, actually I was joking."

I'm not sure if she meant she was joking about asking about a dress code or just joking about having to wear long black dresses...

-And I'm not sure what I should've said or should not have said.

I wasn't sure if 6 Flags was going to be a 'youth group thing' or not. We had asked Andy and Lisa if they would drive the church van. (If they did it would've been. If not it would've just been some of us hanging out.)

When we do something as a youth group we are always given a speech about how the girls are to wear skirts past their knees, and the boys to wear pants, and that there are to be no shorts, tank tops, or cussin'... (Actually I don't know if shorts are still on the list or not...)

Several of the girls wear jeans anyway, and it's not made a big deal of...


And now at church our pastor has started preaching about how some of his church people needed to stop telling people what to do, and how to dress.

And a few comments have been made to me.

If we are not to tell people what to do for fear of offending them. What do we tell them?

I could, if it is preferable, just tell people that they must talk to the pastor...

 Trying to figure it all out...

Edit: I did talk to Bro Anthony & Sis Shelia, and he said he was trying to preach that, we need to not force all of our convictions onto other people's lives. Long sleeves in particular, which are something he wears always, but doesn't want his church people to be ordered to do, and doesn't require of his family either.

He said it wasn't my responsibility--to have to ask a certain dress code of everyone else, that he wouldn't require it of me--but it was ok for mom to require it at her house, and for me to request a level of modesty for an activity I'm planning.

So he was OK with me :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

N8: From Bald 2 Beautiful

N8 with Hannah's hair... (He knows I am posting this btw)

Doesn't mean he is going to grow his hair long....

Several months ago... On a hard day/week a piece of this song--

Was forwarded to me in a chain text.
I loved it immensely; my girl(space)friend didn't know the artist.
Lots of songs pulled up on google search, but I couldn't find it.
Lyrics aren't usually hard to find. Tear.

I decided was some obscure person & gave up. Forgot about it.

But today I happened upon the lyrics with the name of the singer.
Understand, I hate to admit it (looked up the pole dancing thing.) But
Yes, I love this Miley Cyrus song...........It is amazing.

It was written by Jessi Alexander, and her stuff seems clean.
That's what I'm gonna use...


----------------------------------------THE CLIMB----------------------------

I can almost see it.

That dream I'm dreamin
But there's a voice inside my head saying you'll never reach it.

Every step I'm taking.
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction.
My faith is shakin.
But I gotta keep tryin.
Gotta keep my head held high.

There's always gonna be another mountain.
I'm always gonna wanna make it move.

Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose.
Ain't about how fast I get there.
Ain't about what's waitin on the other side.

It's the climb.

The struggles I'm facing.
The chances I'm taking.
Sometimes might knock me down but
No I'm not breaking.
I may not know it but these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah.
I Just gotta keep going.
And I gotta be strong.
Just keep pushing on 'cause,

There's always gonna be another mountain.
I'm always gonna wanna make it move.
Always gonna be an uphill battle
But Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose.
Ain't about how fast I get there.
Ain't about what's waitin on the other side.

It's the climb.


There's always gonna be another mountain.
I'm always gonna wanna make it move.
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes you're gonna have to lose.
Ain't about how fast I get there.
Ain't about what's waitin on the other side.

It's the climb.

Keep on moving,
Keep climbing,
Keep the faith,

It’s all about,
It’s all about the climb.
Keep your faith,
Keep your faith.
Whoa, O Whoa.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Sedu Straightening Iron & Rebate Sites

I finally bought a straightening iron. (I gave my sedu to my cousin when she left for school) Had been planning to buy a new one for myself, but was waiting for a good sale. Plus I fried my hair this summer in chlorine swimming pools, and wanted to give it time to recuperate. I gave up & ended up just chopping it though.

(I will soon get to see what my DIY haircut looks like straightened. Eeeks.)

$119, is the reg sale price for the one I bought), but my hair straightened with a cheapo iron looks scary. Hannah W straightened my hair with her straightner in VA one day; it took her forever and a lifetime, then afterwards my hair was monstrously puffy and huge. The pictures & videos are horrifying. May you never see them....

I like that my hair is curly, but I have been curly for months, and am so tired of curls.

I was able to use a $35 off code on, when I bought my iron. and will receive a chash back check from Ebates.

So yeah Rebate Sites:

If you've never used any cash back sites, you should try them out; they're easy. I joined both Ebates and Big Crumbs several years ago, and I bounce between the two depending where I'm shopping. gives a higher percentage cash back for Folica, but Big Crumbs generally pays higher for eBay and allows cash back on eBay gift certificates. [Edit: ebay no longer participates in cashback sites, but they did create their own program--ebaybucks. Sign up for an automatic 2% to be used for future purchases.]

Big Crumbs will credit your paypal acount every month, and Ebates sends a check via postal mail quarterly. (Have been using them for long enough to know that they do work.)

So yeah.

You should sign up.  Click here to go to Ebates  or Click here to go to Big Crumbs

Spiders, Football, & Other Girls (the normal ones)

"Guys would like you, if you were more like the other girls." She told me.

"I think, guys like me." I squeaked. (I sometimes I squeak my words when I'm surprised. It's not cute.) I tuned my voice to something resembling normal, then continued, "I mean not all the guys but ..."

"No, I mean yeah, but you're too independent."

"I am too probably." was quickly added (to make me feel better I guess.)

"I think guys like for girls to let them help them," She continued. "And to not be so tough. We should work on it."

'Bla, I would so not have survived my life if I wasn't tough.'

'It's not my fault that I am tough,' I tell myself, then ask, "How do I not accept help?"

I am beyond cool with guys opening doors for me and carrying heavy things. (Btw you are very welcome to do that. It's very happiness inducing.) And set up tents. I will let guys set up and take down tents. And chop firewood and um pump gas I guess....

"You know like the girls who ask our brothers and John to buy them things at McDonald's. Guys like stuff like that. Makes them feel manly."

"You mean ask for stuff!" I inwardly recoil in horror as I begin picturing this. "I am not gonna do that!"  awkward, awkward, awkward.

I am going to stay independent if independent means not asking, "Can I have a dollar", but maybe if I ever fall madly in like again I will give up playing football. That is my concession. That is reasonable.

Was thinking about this conversation Saturday while playing flag football.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

In which I weird people out by remembering their names

I have a really good memory. Not numbers like dates or times, but events and details

I can usually pull an event or conversation from my mind instantly; sometimes fun stuff, sometimes just mundane useless stuff. Or other times I remember something awkward & cringe, and am all 'Bla stupid me. I'm gonna avoid them forever.'

Weirds M. out for me to remember the story about his ex-girlfriend and her ex fiancé and put all the pieces together to figure who and what he is talking about, but he told me and now I remember. It's not like I am emotionally attached to them. I just know the story, because I've seen so many puzzle pieces that my mind put the pieces together...

Yeah this is a rambling post..

Last week at a social event I saw a girl who was in my cabin for a week at a youth camp some years ago. She was friendly (back then), though it was awkward to be in a clique that actually didn't talk to anyone except for the few people deemed 'cool people'. (In defense of myself I always abandoned them for an hour or so every day to talk to other people. That makes me a nice non-cliquey person right?...)

At any rate I recently saw this girl, so I said hi.

Seriously just, "Hi how are you [Name of person]."

She asked, "Where do I know you from?"

And I told her "Yeah _______ youth camp. It's been a long time ago."

Then she gave me a look that said you-are-really-weird-why-are-you-talking-to-me, and said "Yeah, I was 12." Just kinda, 'Why do you remember me? I don't remember you.'

I thought 'Sweetie, I just said hi. It’s not like I asked you to be my bridesmaid.'

Is somewhat awkward I guess to not remember a person’s name if they don't remember yours, but was more than that. Maybe I am not considered 'cool enough to talk to' now lol.

Then a guy who I had met years ago was at this wedding and was introducing himself to me and I said "Yeah I think I met you once actually." Then thought, 'ugh I hope he is not like that girl. Why didn't I just say my name?"

And he was just "Well is really nice to get reacquainted." And it was cool.

But yeah

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Weddings = fights & family fueding? (I didn't know this)

I had been asked to help seat people at my friends wedding reception Saturday.  The bride had made place-cards and a list showing where everyone was to be seated. Four ladies were requested to help people find their tables. Yes, it was odd escorting men to their seats, but was an honor pointing out that I was a favorite friend :) I handed my elbow off (as a joke) and held my chin high lol.

The people I was helping had warned me that they expected fights & family feuding, but I laughed it off. People don't do that at weddings.

Most of the people were members of an affiliation that I had briefly considered joining (Do not tell Lisa lol.)

Half of them were talking about how they "Don't expect this marriage to last" and some of them were openly talking hatefully about the bride. And she is nice.

A few threw a fit about not being seated with their cousins or something whining, "She's splitting up family's," they said, as if she asked them to divorce a wife or husband.

I told them, "It was unintentional; I'm sure." Then looked at the chart to see what was happening.

"No she didn't put husbands at different tables than their wives, but she did seat all the single people together," (which did seat them away from their family.) I don't believe it's possible to divorce your aunt but you can try...

Then they pursed their lips and angrily declared, "No! It probably was intentional," while the other offended parties nodded their heads bitterly.

If there are 25 people in your extended family then yeah you all probably aren't going to fit at an 8 person table. You can call it "Splitting up families" all you want but unless we throw the bridal party off, then double seat the bridal table with your people there's no way you're all gonna fit together...

I did move them to the tables they wanted to be at. (One of them, being single, was supposed to be at my table lol. So she was gone.)

My table people (the ones that stayed) were all very charming. I enjoyed their company immensely.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Evil Spare Bed

When I get ready, and am trying on clothes, I lay the rejects on my bed. Everyone does that right?

If I have time I'll put them away up before leaving. If not I've always hung them back up before I go to bed. Because I must sleep in my bed, and because I hate ironing. And because I DO NOT PUT CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR.

(Disclosure: When I'm sick I do throw my dirty clothes on the floor.)

Same with sewing. I stick pins in my mattress sheets and cut things, and seam rip bits of jean threads all over the bed, but I must sleep there; so I clean it up.

So it works.

(I should say it worked; using the past tense.)

Because now there is this wonderful bed that I do not sleep on.

When my cousin moved to PA for school I left her bed. I thought it would make her happy. Felt like when she was talking about moving to PA she felt thrown out when the kids discussed putting her bed and dresser in storage. Like "They don't want me. I don't belong here." She is insecure enough already (aren't we all at times), so I thought I'd attempt to fix things somewhat because I love her. So I kept her bed and dresser in my room. I wanted her to come home and feel at home.

I did insist that Roofie(sp?) move to PA with her. (Sorry 'bout that sis. He scared Tuffy.) 'Sides he would'a missed her anyway.

Currently my sewing projects are laying all over that bed. And laundry when I run out of hangers. Sometimes I put outfits there that I plan to wear soon. I had one yellow outfit lying on that bed for 2 weeks! It's ridiculous. It has become my clutter spot.
(Why do I accept hanging future outfits over the door-frame of my closet, but freak out by them laying on the spare bed? I make no sense)

I have determined to leave it (the bed) until after Christmas break, but I need to somehow quit viewing it as the place to put stuff...

Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm not always Sad


I'm not always hurting. Its just that sometimes when I'm wounded I bleed words onto paper. Writing---it's a band-aid of sorts. Calms me down I guess.

That being said.

My life hurts right now.

Right now as in today and yesterday, maybe tomorrow and hopefully not next week.

After that I will be cured. La la la.

I hope.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


It was very small and white, and apparently had rolled from her purse onto the floor.  (I'm obsessed with small things--It's very strange.) Anyway it was about 1/4 the size of a hole punch, so I picked it up with my thumb and forefinger then set it in my palm.

"Probably for PMS, allergies, or congestion or something" I thought

"What is this? I'm gonna take it."

My friend started freaking out, "No don't! Those are really bad for you! I'm serious they can mess you up bad!"

But it's so cute. "Why do you have them if they are bad?"

"_______ has a prescription and gave some to me."

I shrugged and tossed it in the trash.

I must not have told her I didn't take it because an hour or so later she was still freaking out "You OK? Did you really take that?"

"It's in the trash if ya want it."

I never did ask what it was. Probably something minor but....

Still curious

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Guy Pretty Vs Girl Pretty Dresses & 'Window Shopping'

Our church group has a weird habit of going to Wal-Mart anytime we are in Athens, and to the mall when we are in Cleveland. It's usually the guys' idea; I suppose to window shop. Several of them once explained to me that window shopping means looking at girls. (Interestingly enough they said they'd never heard of window shopping being looking at clothing/store items without buying. But it fits.)

So yeah, in between services our group was at our ghost town of a mall: not many stores left... (I'm not remembering any pretty girls there either. And definitely no good looking guys--except the ones with us lol.) Twas rather empty.

But I'm not complaining; sometimes I do actually like to shop. And some of Deb's maxi dresses were on sale for $5. After Jessie rejected a "not girly enough" dress I directed her to a frou frou 'thing' (I dunno what else to call it.) The hip area was spewing a huge puff of crinkly white lacy shredded fabric masquerading as ruffles. It was horrid. I cannot explain the horridness of it. "Is this one girly enough for you Jessie?" I said sweetly.

She loved it.

(I just lied.) Actually she exclaimed at the scariness of it then picked out a black dress that was feminine enough for her with a bow thingy at the top. She asked it handed down to her. She is short. (Or maybe we were just blocking the rack...)

The other girl held out an orange silky dress with a tropical forest growing on it, "I think I would actually wear this...Looks like the dress I didn't buy in Ross. Remember it. I went back for it, but it was gone."

(Men have stories about, "the fish that got away." Women have stories about, "the sale that got away.")

"Guys don't like these dresses." She said a bit later.

I wrinkle my forehead, "Why not? Are you sure?

"Yes, [The Tall Blonde Boy] and [P.K]. told me guys hated them."

"But [The Tall Blonde Boy] told me he loved my green dress." (Guys are such weird waffley things. Why can't they say what they mean and mean what they say.)
"Maybe it was just [P.K]." she answered.
They both put their dresses back.
I tried on 2 then bought the black one with the bow thing. I probably wouldn't have bought it if I thought all guys hated long-maxi-dresses.

It's not like my life revolves around boys, but hey they matter, and I do care. I'm just not after that particular guy.

I do majorly dislike the tent-like maxi dresses without any shape, or the ones made of tarp material. I like my hips.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

If you delete it then it is saved forever / Blog Damage Control

...But if you save it, you can delete it, (Maybe forever. Maybe not)

Was talking about blogs with a friend who rushes to delete anything that could be awkward every time she finds out a new person who reads her blog...

It's best to not post anything online that you would mind anyone reading. Ever. (Unless your blog is private.)

But if you've post something to your blog, and wish it hadn't been posted. The best thing to do is NOT to delete it.

The problem with deleting a post is that the RSS it is still forever saved in feed burners memory. If you delete something you've written it's removed from the blog, but it is left in feed readers. Anyone who is subscribed to you, or anyone who subscribes in the future, can still read it.

But there is a way to get around the feeds. Instead of deleting the post just open the post in 'Edit Posts'. Save it to drafts. Then write a new post to replace the saved one in the feeds. (The old post will remain until you post over it.) In a few hours Google Reader will update your RSS Feed changing the old post to the new one. In other words If you save it (to drafts) you can delete it by writing over it.

Short and Sweet:
  1. Save as draft
  2. Write something else
  3. Post the replacement

I'm not sure if all Feed Readers update saved posts when they are changed. Google Reader is the only one I've ever used.

*If a person has already read the original post, any post you write over it will not show up as new in the feed reader. (So whatever you write over the post probably won't get read as much.)

[Edit: Google reader only updates changes made on the last 30 posts, You can't change a post farther back than that in the feed readers via overwriting. Any changes will only show up on the blog itself. If you have unwanted things in your blog past life you can request Google to delete the RSS which will keep anyone who doesn't already have you saved in their feed burner from pulling up the blog you thought was deleted. I hope I didn't give anyone a false sense of security.]

Happiness And Stay Safe Sweetie

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Guys Get No Validation

Later that day we were sitting in a circle and talking about love and getting married etc. (lotta talk no action that's us lol) and it came up how several of the (older) girls, me included, are forever talking about marrying the tall blonde boy.

"You need to wait until he is 18; After he is 18 you can all fight it out." his brother said.

I gulped inside; Surely he doesn't think we are serious about marrying him. 8 years man. I am 8 years older than him--8 years is the life of forever. At least since he is still a teenager. (Older and more mature people can have a bigger gap.)

So I said "Yeah well [He's] pretty, but it's not like that."

The Tall Blonde Boy cheerily said "Thank you Esther," (referring to the pretty comment.)

"--Pretty! Don't call [my brother] pretty! Pretty is too girly!"

He was right of course.

"I don't usually use pretty for guys, but what about beautiful?" I asked. (I do regularly call guys beautiful, but not where they can hear. Its' just like when talking to another girl about a guy and am like, 'Yes, he is beautiful'.) Was just curious to hear a guys take on that.

"No that's just too much," answered the brother.

"Well what do you call guys?"

"I don't call them anything. I'm just like, "Man you need a shower; you stink...."

"Sexy Beast' that's what Toby calls me. Or ravishing--Ravishing; that's what I'm going to start calling guys, 'man you really look ravishing today' "The Tall Blonde Boy chuckled, and grinned.

I suppose I could write, "How sad that it must be said so over the top; that a compliment must be a joke in order to be said at all."

--But it would be really weird to me if the guys started telling each other "You look really cute today" or "That color brings out your eyes. You should wear it more often."

Too bizarre. Girls say that kind of things to guys or to each other. Guys say that to girls. But to each other....

So yeah....

I'm un-happy with the status quo.

But also un-happy for my brothers and guy friends to not be getting the affirmation and ego boosts that they often need

Life's not fair.

Today I am feeling very sorry for boys.

They must have such hard lives.

Guys can't wear pink or purple unless brave enough to deal with gay jokes. They can't hug or complement each other. And they are so hairy.

(Yes, I am aware that I am using broad generalizations here.)

But I wonder if they naturally think like that or if they've just warped themselves to meet expectations....

So anyway, I was watching the guys Sunday, and said "Oh, Wow, Hey, they just were 'real hugging' each other. They usually just lean as far away from each other as they can and give a quick pat on the back."

The girl next to me said, "Yeah I think they feel obligated because of the whole 'love one another' sermon thing."

"I dunno" I thought "I mean, it’s just a hug. Can't be so awful of an experience for them...."

Later someone asked them; Me, or Her, or Someone Else--I can't remember.

Only two answered,

"Yeah we felt forced."Both nodded their shaggy head and widened their eyes melodramatically in puppy dog like anguish. (They are very alike to be so different; those two boys.)

"It was terrible."

I guess some of them did feel obligated, but surely hugging between guys is not always, I'm only-doing-this-because-I-have-to." Do they really think like that? I'm sure some guys, like some girls, prefer to not be hugged. But as a rule you know 7 out of 10. I don't buy it.

I do expect them to prefer hugging girls. Being a girl I would rather hug a guy than a girl. Only makes sense.

And not to want to be hugged all the time, or by everyone; I understand that.

But a hug is nice...
Surely even for guys.... Maybe just once in a while?

So anyway next subject...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

6 flags pictures

All girl pics. I need to start taking pictures with guys more often.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

15 Lbs Lost

I love being slender, but curves are good...Tear.

I'm still healthy, as I'm small boned, and naturally rather small. It's just that I've got this super fast metabolism, and frankly when I'm stressed I don't eat enough...Still eat more than most girls I know, but yeah... It's like my belly gets tied in knots, then it's like "Listen person I'm full of knots you can't really expect to fit food in here too."

So this lady came up to me at church last week, "You look like you've lost weight?"

I'm not gonna lie, "Uh yeah 15 lbs..." I say, then I prepare to defend myself. And wonder, "Why did I have to wear something snug enough to show how scrawny I'm getting. Ugh stupidness."

But she says something enthusiastic like, "That's great! How did you do it!"

And I'm all thinking "Crazy lady," but I tell her, "Yeah actually I thought I looked good before. It wasn't on purpose....Stress."

She back tracked rapidly. It reminded me of listening to a friend complement a person for losing weight and the girl was all, "But you didn't think I looked good before?!"

And I felt like a jerk, because she was being nice. Actually I was a jerk. Or maybe I just came off that way.

Now that I think about it was kinda nice for a change. People are always griping at me 4 being skinny.

Currently it's true that I would look better with a little more meat, but why is it so acceptable to tell skinny people they need to eat more to gain weight? If I told all the fat people that they should eat less to lose weight, everyone would be mad at me. But random people are forever telling me that I need to eat more. I'm too bony. I need to gain weight. Bla bla bla.

At least I am healthy.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pink Flowers and Lace and Men

I don’t think it’s wrong for guys to wear pink.

Yet I can understand why some people believe it is wrong; why they see it as blurring the line between masculinity; Why they think it feminizing a man. I can see how you think.

But look at it this way.

I currently have a pink flower in my hair. I wear flowers in my hair, because they are pretty, and because I feel girly or feminine when I wear them.

A guy that I know (And, yes, everyone knows which guy) often ends up tucking flowers behind his ears, and leaving them there for an hour or two. He is quite straight, and it's not a huge deal to me, though I prefer it not be done in public when I am with him. But some of our friends find it to be totally "gross and revolting." (Their words. Not mine.) I disagree.

I also have an older brother who loves flowers; His wife was laughing about it recently and told me, "He likes flowers more than I do."

In my opinion it is completely ok for my brother to like flowers, but I would be disturbed if he started wearing shirts with roses and carnations on them, or hair flowers. That is somewhat strange. (Those guy are not sinning in their choices. I did not say that. Do not tell them I said mean things about him.)

God created flowers; I’m sure he thought they were beautiful. (1st Kings 6:35 says there were flowers carved onto the doors of the house of the Lord and, in Song of Solomon 5:13 the woman compared her beloved's cheeks to sweet flowers and his lips to lilies.)

Also flowers are not immodest; wearing them won't make me (or him) responsible for causing others to lust.

--But wearing them (In today’s culture, and minus a few like the garish Hawaiian shirts and lovely Hawaiian Lei’s) is generally considered girly. This is a non-Biblical culture thing; the Bible doesn't say, “Men are not to wear flowers, on their shirts or in their hair.”

Still I think guys shouldn't be wearing hair flowers or blouses covered with pink lace roses. It doesn't look good because it doesn't look straight.

What is the difference with wearing pink shirts and pink hair flowers?

It's a culture thing in my opinion. Our culture is accepting of pink shirts on straight men. Our culture is not accepting of hair flowers on straight men.

Some people associate pink with women; they think men seem girly or feminine when wearing it. But really what is the difference with wearing pink shirts and pink hair flowers?

Not much.

Not much at all

Sunday, October 11, 2009

i think

i believe
that running
away from your my problems
is sometimes
an option


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pink Is 4 Girls; Blue is 4 Boys (Or is It?)

For years (in our culture) pink was considered a girls color, and mostly only women, and openly gay men wore it. But it’s now quite stylish for straight guys to wear pink.

Not long ago, I sat in a church service under a pastor, who I respect, and he said in his sermon that Christian boys have no business wearing pink; that it was wrong.

I have guy friends who love their pink shirts. I also have friends and family who think only girls should wear pink. Some think, “It’s not wrong; it just doesn’t look good.” And others have said, “Yeah, a pink button up is fine, but a pink T-shirt is just girly.” A few, like my pastor friend, believe it’s a sin to always be avoided. (He is, BTW, a completely awesome pastor. I'm not trashing him.)

I think if God thought it important that only girls wear pink he would've said something specifying that in the Bible. On the other hand I believe we should try not to give other people wrong perceptions.

If you are a boy and if how you talk, or look, or act often makes people question your masculinity, you have a problem. --Even if you’re not gay.

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. (1st Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV)

(Gay men are often effeminate, but effeminate does not have the same meaning as homosexual; It means having unsuitable feminine attributes.)

The Bible does not say anything against any gender wearing any particular color. But the Bible does say: "A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God." (Deuteronomy 22:5)

What defines an item of clothing as pertaining to a man or pertaining to a woman?

I believe that 10 years ago wearing pink might have ‘pertained to a woman’, I believe that back then, when at a glance you would be labeled feminine for wearing pink, it was best for straight men to avoid wearing the color.

--But pink never belonged exclusively to women.
The color isn’t intrinsically feminine.

I don't think it's wrong for men to wear the color when (most) people no longer associate it with femininity.

We are told to, "Abstain from all appearance of evil" 1st Thess 5:22

But Jesus also talks about how people will talk about you no matter what you do:

For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and ye say, He hath a devil.

The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!
But wisdom is justified of all her children. (Luke 7: 33-35)

Sometimes ya just gotta live your life; quit worrying about all the gossip.

But hey if you believe it's wrong to wear pink please don't wear it. You can always tell your friends that pink is scientifically proven  to be more appealing to women. But if you do that you should also tell them that science also says that blue is more appealing to men.

Blue is my favorite color.
Not that it matters.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Susanna and i Camping


Camping and Tornados

We have been playing card games in the light of a gas lamp, and a few citronella candles. The power is out. There is a tornado watch and 60 mph wind warnings in the Charleston area where i am camping. I can hear the pastor listening to the scratchy voice of a storm warning guy on his battery powered radio. I am relishing the danger and enjoying the sound of pounding rain on metal roof of the pole barn pavilion. Mom wants me home and out of the storm, so I'll leave maybe.

I just won our card game.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I just gave myself a haircut

Our trashcan afterwards...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bubble Gum Pink

"That is the color of pink that I want!!" My sister stared at the guy in front of us, or rather at the back of his T-Shirt.

"Yeah, bublegum pink only lighter," I reiterated what she has been saying.

"I don't necessary like that shirt on him, but the pink is perfect."

We were in church (second to front row to be exact), so couldn't continue our conversation about The Bublegum Pink Shirt, but it was nice to finally see the perfect pink after hearing her needing it for so long.

Leah wants a pink shirt, but it has to be the perfect color pink, bubblegum pink or freshly chewed double-bubble bubblegum pink to be exact. We have been talking about this pink for months--literally. Maybe years

Every-time I find a pink shirt and show it to her she says "Not the right color."

But about guys wearing pink T-shirts...


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bad Day Part 1

This is an old post. (from 2 months ago)

After church a few Tuesdays ago our youth group went to Mickey Ds to eat. I don’t care much for McDonald’s food, but I wanted people. Needed people. I planned to relax and space out while listening to chatting and laughter.

We, like always, shoved 4 or 5 tables together and crowded in a few extra chairs as people straggled in. I like that about my church people; we (typically) have one big group rather than a bunch of small cliques. (I have been told recently that ‘The Libbey's don’t fit in’, but that’s a different story. Quit trying to make us not fit in. That's mean of you.)

“I had a really bad day today,” The guy who ended up next to me said.

My Cousin, who was across from us, said, “Me too, my day was awful”

“My day was worse than either of yours” I stated.

He looked at me skeptically, “I don’t know about that. I had a really bad day.”

“Tell us about your day” said the cousin to him “It’s good to get this stuff out in the open. Makes you feel better.”

“My boss was really upset with me. He fussed at me.” He hung his head pitifully.*

“My day was definitely worse” said the cousin. “A customer yelled at me. It wasn’t my fault. It was awful. [I think she said she cried, but I can’t remember for sure.] Tell us about your day. I’m sure my day was the worst,” She looked at me expectantly.

“My day was worse than either of yours” I reiterated. Then I left it like that. I mean I did not enter a pact to tell my bad-day story or anything. If they wanted to tell theirs that was fine…

“Wow, I’m starting to feel better” says the guy, “Tell us about your day, Esther**. What happened?”

“Weeeeell I don’t think so it might make you uncomfortable” I glanced away.***

"Come on we are your friends. You can be open with us. We will make you feel better." said the cousin."We don't mind at all; we'd like to know."

“Don’t know about that. It’s an interesting and, strange story but…” ran through my mind.

They continued asking me to tell them for a while. And really I shouldn’t have told them I had a bad day if I was unwilling to discuss it. So I did.

”Look, someone propositioned me today.” I chose to leave out how I was all alone and how the man threatened me, and the rest of the scary stuff.

The guy who started this conversation said “Yeah my day wasn’t very bad. I had a really good day, in fact, compared to you guys’.”

My cousin quickly changed the conversation.

Life & Darker Stuff

I have a lot of old stuff either in my blogger drafts, or on my laptop. Have been trying to decide if I should post about stuff… So anyway. I think I will. I’m sorry if this offends you…

Forewarned is forearmed...

This does NOT mean my blog is gonna become X rated, or anything of the sort, and I have no intention to write about everything awkward or awful that happens to me.

Tis just that it gets old only writing about candy and friends and the like. Plus I've thought about it, and I think its OK for me to be more open than I am. Deeper is sometimes darker, but is that always a bad thing?

So anyway.

Curls & Boys & Pink

My curly headed guy friend was complaining about his hair. The texture was a little off I think.

"What do you use on it?" I asked


"What kind?"

"Just regular gel" he said

I don't expect any guy to start using weekly hot oil treatments or caring about the protein Vs. moisture balance of their hair. (Most girls don't even do that--Just me.) Would be surprised if he would take the time to even use a leave-in conditioner before gel, but even just the kind of gel you use makes a huge difference on how well your hair does--especially if you are curly headed.

"I'll buy you a good gel," I said.
I went home and looked closer at my hair stuff. Most of my gel bottles are a mix of 4 or 5 different products (I mix things until I get the texture, hold, shine, and slip just right for my hair). I only have one unmixed gel (actually the bottle says styling lotion, but whatever...) It's a clear syrupy serum; works amazingly well...Its perfect--no changes were necessary.

Unfortunately I can't buy him that.

It's a pink swirey bottle called got2be 2 Sexy. (The round bottle--It's gotta be the round bottle.)

In between writing and posting this (was waiting on a pic of my gel); He had his curls chopped off. His hair still looks nice, and I quite like it; I imagine its a nice change for him, but I hope he eventually grows them back.

In the meanwhile... What do I buy the boy.

I told him I would.


Saturday, September 12, 2009


2 Hug or Not 2 Hug: That is the question

It’s good for me to be hugged, and I love being hugged. (This totally excludes some people. I don't want everyone touching me.) I think its ok for me to hug guys. Just so I'm not all over them… And to the side. Guy hugs should be to the side probably. Not like I always do that but...

Anyway I don't usually worry about hugging girls. (If you sleep over, and spoon me in bed though it will creep me out.) And if you are tall enough that your breasts will be in my face, please accept a side hug... Ugh gross.

So to my story...
A year or two ago a girl friend told me, "I don't enjoy being hugged."

I can't remember the whole conversation, but we talked about it for a short while, then I asked, "So is it ok if I hug you anyway."

I guess I decided that she was broken, and I would just hug her anyway and eventually she would be better.

Anyway she said she was fine with that.
I forgot all about it. Hadn't been thinking farther about it, but a few weeks ago I reread her blog profile. Among a bunch of random things about her was "I don't like hugs"

I was like "Hey, she told me that." Then I determined that I would stop hugging her.

So I haven't been hugging her.

Then yesterday at church I walked over to sit by her. I made a mental note not to hug her. BTW she looks like someone who should be hugged. (How to explain her sad little girl face???)

Anyway it was all good. (As Toby would say.)

So after service she reaches over to hug me.

I was like, "Hey, you know you don't have to hug me"

She looked at me quizzically, so I continued, “I know you don't like hugging people. I don't want you to feel obligated to hug me."

She laughed or smiled or something "Its ok" she said "I just don't attack hug people. If I initiate the hug it’s ok."

Maybe we're good because I don't attack hug people. (Did I used to? Awkward.) Maybe she likes hugging people now. She hugs people all the time, but is still kinda...... I dunno....I should prefer not to make people uncomfortable.


Was a nice to-the-side hug, but the whole belly rubbing thing...

"Yeah, I think my belly is off limits." There, I said it.

Had been trying to work up the nerve for a couple of months.
Had been trying to remember how this got started in the first place.

--Was probably me; Poking him in the side.*

I made a mock swipe at him "But I'll totally poke yours."

"That’s kind of hypocritical; don't you think." Said a girl in front of me.

I grinned, "[It] was a joke. I didn't touch his belly."

The guy laughed it off, "She just doesn't want to be tickled."

But it’s cool. He understood, and wasn't mad. Appreciated even, that even though I was serious about not being touched I was willing to make a joke, so that people didn't think I was calling him a pervert.

I'm not very ticklish. I really don't mind the feeling of having my belly patted or poked. (Ok, ok, I like it. It makes me happy.) I'm just not so sure that my guy friends should be touching my belly. (Or me touching theirs).

Boundaries are good. I made some for myself when I was about 11 because other people needed them. I made some for myself when I was 16, because I needed them.

Side Tangent on Fat Rolls below:

*(Why do I think it’s ok to poke or pinch guy’s sides, but not ok to touch their bellies?) This guy doesn't have any fat left, but I love to pinch people’s fat rolls--I don't know why. It's very weird. (Fat rolls are not attractive to me. I just like to pinch them. And only peoples fat who I know very well.) Maybe I will stop; just in case it makes people cool with rubbing my belly.

PS. Just this week Jessie offered to get fatter so she would have fat rolls for me to poke. "I'll just eat a lot and stay up all night! Then I'll be fatter! And you can poke me!" I will totally poke Jessie in the side when she gets fat rolls. Jessie, you were serious right?


Friday, August 28, 2009

Dating & Courting & Why & Why Not

(Old post from my drafts)

I was at a friend's birthday party when her dad turned to me and asked, "Gal when are you gonna start datin'?"

My dad answered for me. (Doncha hate it when people do that? Grrr.)

"No, she is not going to date. She is going to wait and marry the person she is going to marry." He beamed happily at everyone in the room.

And me? I said nothing till a few weeks later. (It was not a good time.)

But I am so not doing that. I mean how does that even work?

A friend once told me, "I don't think you should date unless you are planning to marry the person."

I'm like, "How do you know you want to marry the person unless you date them first."

I do have some guidelines. I don't think you should date just anyone, or do just anything. My definition of dating might be your definition of courting.

But if I felt obligated to wait until I was planning to marry someone I would be too terrified to ever be in a relationship at all.