Saturday, September 19, 2009

Life & Darker Stuff

I have a lot of old stuff either in my blogger drafts, or on my laptop. Have been trying to decide if I should post about stuff… So anyway. I think I will. I’m sorry if this offends you…

Forewarned is forearmed...

This does NOT mean my blog is gonna become X rated, or anything of the sort, and I have no intention to write about everything awkward or awful that happens to me.

Tis just that it gets old only writing about candy and friends and the like. Plus I've thought about it, and I think its OK for me to be more open than I am. Deeper is sometimes darker, but is that always a bad thing?

So anyway.


Jessica Wynn said...

I don't write everything awkward/awful that happens to me. Good grief, I could make a whole separate blog for that lol! I've also tried to be very, very careful to not give graphic detail. Because no one needs to have that in their head.

I think you can write about more serious things. Just as long as you have a balance, you know? You need happy blogs.

Esther said...

Yeah, didn't mean to word it that way. Sorry.