I grabbed another handful (ok, ok, it was two handfuls) of baby MM’s packages and promptly began to open and eat them. My sugar addiction is back full force.
“So…Esther how has life been lately? You ok? Have you been having a hard time?” One of the guys asked.
Huh? What?
“Girls eat sugar when they’re sad."
Apparently over lunch our guys had a lengthy discussion about girls. No surprise there, but the rest of the topic was hilarious: What is the best way to break up with your girlfriend?
They determined that when breaking up with your girlfriend she would be sad.
(Good job boys. That’s a correct assumption.)
(Good job boys. That’s a correct assumption.)
They determined that girls eat chocolate when we are sad, or depressed.
(I don’t, but yes most girls do eat lots of sugar when they are sad.)
(I don’t, but yes most girls do eat lots of sugar when they are sad.)
They decided that chocolate cheers girls up, and makes them happy.
(Very few girls would disagree.)
(Very few girls would disagree.)
They decided it was best for a girl to be cheered up after a break up, “Not that it would be possible for a girl to be all the way cheered-up after losing me, but…” (That was Josh.)
“We decided it’s a good idea to bring a girl a box of chocolates when you break up with her”
Wow. What a conflicting message.
Yes it's true, most girls do eat lots of sugar when they are sad. This is inclusive of--but not limited to--breakups. If, however, you are too loving to whoever you are breaking up with they will decide you are still in love with them. 'It'll all work out. In a few weeks we'll be back together.' After they realize that is not going to happen they will be even more depressed.
Anyone want a free bag of candy? Click on the link, and print the coupon; if you take it to K-Mart they will ring it up with a bag of Halloween candy, and the candy will be free. This is only good for today and tomorrow.